Our Process

Our Contractor Website Building Process

Unlike the big website guys, we are a small firm with awesome tools and talent. Here, you are not a number and you can reach us on the phone or via email (no 45 minute wait). Also unlike the special boutique shops, your website won't cost $5000 or more. We offer our services with a much lower up front cost than most and affordable monthly fee (starting at $49 per month). Here is our 4 step process to build your site and take your marketing to the next level!


Initial Call and Content Gather

First things first - we will set up a call with you to learn more about your you and your business, your goals and objectives for the project, and your timeframe. We will also communicate what we will need from you for your new or redesigned website and the easiest way to receive that from you.

Step 2:
We add your content

After we gather your list of services, images, work samples, content, and more, we begin our building process. Once your new mockup is completed, we will send it to you for review.


Review and Edits

Together, using our proprietary review tool, we review your new website and make any changes and final touches, making sure all the little details such as contact forms and company information is correct.

Step 4:

Time to take your site live and show the world what you do best! You will be confident in knowing you can direct people to your website and that it will look great on desktop and on mobile devices and that everything is working perfectly. We monitor everything on the back end and send you monthly traffic reports.

Next Steps

We can help you rank higher in search, create content, and help with other marketing activities that bring in more leads. We even help many of our contractor clients with monthly review calls to make sure they are on track to grow as fast as possible.

Ready to talk about your site? No pressure! Give us a call. We love meeting new contractors!

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